Unleash Your Inner Hayao Miyazaki: Master The Art Of Drawing Studio Ghibli Style In English

Unleash Your Inner Hayao Miyazaki: Master The Art Of Drawing Studio Ghibli Style In English

how to Draw Studio Ghibli Style

What do you mean

Drawing in the Studio Ghibli style refers to capturing the unique and whimsical artistry found in the beloved films created by the legendary Japanese animation studio. Studio Ghibli is known for its stunning visuals, intricate details, and emotional storytelling, making it a popular choice for artists looking to explore their creativity and hone their skills in illustration.

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To draw in the Studio Ghibli style, you will need to pay close attention to the characteristics that define the artwork in these films. This includes the use of soft lines, vibrant colors, and attention to detail. Start by studying the works of Studio Ghibli artists such as Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata to get a sense of their unique style.

Niche Utama 2 Learn How To Draw: Characters In Ghibli's Style - YouTube

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Once you have a good understanding of the Studio Ghibli aesthetic, you can begin practicing by sketching characters and scenes from your favorite films. Pay attention to the way characters are designed, the expressions on their faces, and the backgrounds that help bring the world of Studio Ghibli to life.

What is known

Studio Ghibli is known for its hand-drawn animation, which sets it apart from other animation studios that rely heavily on computer-generated imagery. This traditional approach to animation gives Studio Ghibli films a sense of warmth and charm that resonates with audiences of all ages.

how to draw studio ghibli style Niche Utama 2 Learn how to draw: Characters in Ghibli
how to draw studio ghibli style Niche Utama 2 Learn how to draw: Characters in Ghibli’s style – YouTube

Image Source: ytimg.com

The studio is also known for its strong female characters, environmental themes, and fantastical worlds that blend elements of fantasy and reality. Drawing in the Studio Ghibli style allows artists to tap into this magical world and create their own unique interpretations of the stories and characters that have captured the hearts of millions around the world.


To draw in the Studio Ghibli style, you will need to practice regularly and pay attention to the details that make this art form so distinctive. Start by studying the works of Studio Ghibli artists and practicing your own sketches of characters and scenes from their films. Experiment with different techniques and materials to find what works best for you, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes along the way.

Drawing in the Studio Ghibli style is a rewarding and challenging process, but with dedication and perseverance, you can develop your own unique style that captures the magic and beauty of this beloved animation studio.


Drawing in the Studio Ghibli style requires a keen eye for detail, a love of storytelling, and a passion for exploring new and imaginative worlds. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced artist, drawing in this style can be a fun and rewarding way to express your creativity and connect with the characters and stories that have inspired so many.

By studying the works of Studio Ghibli artists and practicing your own sketches, you can develop your skills and create artwork that captures the essence of this legendary animation studio. Experiment with different techniques, colors, and mediums to find what works best for you, and don’t be afraid to take risks and try new things. Drawing in the Studio Ghibli style is all about expressing yourself and creating art that brings joy and inspiration to others.

How to Draw Studio Ghibli Style

To draw in the Studio Ghibli style, follow these steps:
1. Study the works of Studio Ghibli artists such as Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata.
2. Practice sketching characters and scenes from your favorite Studio Ghibli films.
3. Pay attention to the details that define the Studio Ghibli aesthetic, such as soft lines and vibrant colors.
4. Experiment with different techniques and materials to find what works best for you.
5. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and learn from them along the way.
6. Share your artwork with others and seek feedback to help improve your skills.


Drawing in the Studio Ghibli style is a rewarding and challenging process that requires dedication, practice, and a love of storytelling. By studying the works of Studio Ghibli artists and practicing your own sketches, you can develop your own unique style that captures the magic and beauty of this beloved animation studio. Experiment with different techniques and materials, and don’t be afraid to take risks and try new things. Drawing in the Studio Ghibli style is all about expressing yourself and creating art that brings joy and inspiration to others.


1. Can anyone learn to draw in the Studio Ghibli style?
Yes, with dedication and practice, anyone can learn to draw in the Studio Ghibli style.

2. Do I need to be a skilled artist to draw in the Studio Ghibli style?
While some artistic skill is helpful, anyone can learn to draw in the Studio Ghibli style with practice and perseverance.

3. What materials do I need to draw in the Studio Ghibli style?
You can use a variety of materials, such as pencils, markers, and watercolors, to draw in the Studio Ghibli style.

4. Is it important to study the works of Studio Ghibli artists before attempting to draw in their style?
Studying the works of Studio Ghibli artists can help you better understand their style and techniques, but it is not required to begin drawing in their style.

5. How long does it take to learn to draw in the Studio Ghibli style?
The time it takes to learn to draw in the Studio Ghibli style varies from person to person, but with regular practice, you can improve your skills over time.

6. Can I create my own original characters in the Studio Ghibli style?
Yes, you can use the Studio Ghibli style as inspiration to create your own original characters and stories.

7. Where can I find inspiration for drawing in the Studio Ghibli style?
You can find inspiration for drawing in the Studio Ghibli style by watching the films created by the studio, studying their artwork, and exploring the themes and characters that make their work so beloved.

Learn how to draw in the Studio Ghibli style with this comprehensive guide. Find out what it takes to capture the magic and beauty of this legendary animation studio in your own artwork.

Studio Ghibli, drawing, art, animation, Hayao Miyazaki, Isao Takahata, sketching, practice, creativity

how to draw studio ghibli style

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